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"Your Fourth Choice"
    Questions to ask John Clifton


Suggested Interview Questions
Television - Radio - Print - Internet

Book Reviewers   -  TV/Radio Hosts  -  Print/Online Journalists

Here are some things people want to know about Your Fourth Choice

  You tell about your wife's amazing remission in the book. What was her original diagnosis and what did you do about it?

What is Paw Paw, and where does it come from?

How did you find out about it?

Does Paw Paw really cure cancer? What proof is there that taking paw paw for cancer would be effective?

Is Paw Paw like chemotherapy? How does it work?

In your book you talk about "acetogenins." What are acetogenins and how do they work?

Tell me about "multiple drug resistant" cells. Can Paw Paw kill cells that chemo can't?

If Paw Paw is so effective, why haven't we heard of it before now?

Does Paw Paw have side effects?

Can you take Paw Paw while having chemotherapy? Radiation?

What kinds of cancer can be treated with Paw Paw?

Is Paw Paw OK to use for dogs and cats with cancer?

How expensive is Paw Paw?

Should people take Paw Paw as a preventive?




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< Here's a sample - Table of Contents, Preface, Chapter One

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Foley Square Books, NY